Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Adventures in Motherhood

Last night Richard had an out of town game in Tyler so the kids and I were on our own. Mason went to spend the night with Nanny and I had grand plans to put Connor and Reagan to bed early and then do some photography editing I was behind on. Around 6:30 I put them in the bath together and let them play a little. Then I got Reagan out and let Connor stay in longer because he likes to "soak" as he puts it. I took Reagan in her room, lotioned her up, put on a diaper and her fleece pajamas because the temperature was going to drop. Then she, her baby doll, and I all sat down to read a few books. After book time, I went to get her medicine and a bottle. All of a sudden I hear, "Mommmm, come quick, you're not going to believe this!!" Connor was yelling at the top of his lungs. I took off running to the bathroom and find Reagan, her baby, her book, and her pajamas in the bathtub with Connor. Connor says, "Mama, she diveded right in. It was sawsome!!" So I had to get Reagan out of the tub and redo the entire process but this time she was screaming because she couldn't have her book - the entire time I was drying her off she was yelling, "My book, my book" at the top of her lungs.
I finally got both of them settled down and in the bed by 8:00 and sat down to work on some editing. Around 10:30, Cera started growling in the kitchen. I also heard a low rumble that sounded like thunder. I assumed this was just another case of Cera getting upset by the weather because she is terrified of thunder or any other loud noise. Fireworks send her over the edge to the point that we have started giving her Bendadryl for several hours before dark on July 4th and New Year's Eve. I walked into the kitchen to calm her down when I hear another growl that I know isn't coming from Cera because I am looking at her. I begin to feel a small panic in my stomach, but then I think maybe Cera let another dog in with her to last time I opened the door for her. As I take a few steps closer to her door, I hear the low growl again, look down, and there right at my feet under the baker's rack in my kitchen is the ugliest animal I have ever seen. It is white with huge red eyes and sharp pointy fangs that are dripping saliva. I run, I scream, I jump on my bed, I call Mark. Mark is my first cousin and my life saver. While I am waiting for him to get here, I call my mom to talk me off the ledge. And, do you know what she had to nerve to ask me. "Is it a mouse?"