Sunday, September 19, 2010

Supper Bowl 2010

Up to this point, I don't think I have written a post that wasn't, for the most part, about one or all of our children. This post is not like the others. This is all about Super Bowl 2010 - also known as Only One Will Get Out Alive. I know at this moment you are probably thinking, "Wow, Emily has lost it! The Super Bowl was in January!" Well, the boring Super Bowl was in January, but the more interesting, more exciting, more is on the line Super Bowl is taking place at this very moment in the Meisel house!

Our friend's Tommy and April had this wonderful idea to make a couples league for fantasy football. They asked us and Tommy's brother Chris and his wife Christina to join, and the LFC Couple's League was born. The guys swore we would never last. They said we would be bored in three weeks. They said we didn't know anything about football. We said they were wrong. We said we knew as much as they did because we were forced to watch it while they were every Sunday; we just didn't scratch while we did it. You see where this is going, right? Before too long, it was on! At the time of this post, if one of the guys happens to win the league, they get to take our money, leave the kids with us, and go to Shreveport for some male bonding. I really don't know why I even put that part of the wager in here since it's so not going to happen.

When one of the gals wins (definitely going to happen), we get to leave the kids with the guys all day and take their money to do lunch, spa, shopping, and dinner. I am so looking forward to a girl's day!

Back to the Super Bowl - this week, my team, the CHICKS with Balls, is playing Richard's team, the NO MAAMs. Yes, he seriously named his team in rememberance of Al Bundy. I will tell you one thing, only one person can survive this week and if it's not me, it will not be pleasant around here.

On a different note, I just watched Dez make the first touchdown of his NFL career and I am soooooo proud!!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

That's the Good Stuff

I recently realized that I only seem to post when something "monumental" happens for our family - first Saturday of soccer seasons, first day of school, family vacations, etc. While I am certain that those are moments I want to remember, there are just as monumental of moments occuring on an almost daily basis in this family, so I decided a recap of a "normal" day might be a nice change and would definitely be something I would enjoy looking back on in a few years. Today was definitely a normal day for our family, but there is nothing truly normal when my children are involved.

This afternoon Mason and his friend Clayton decided to get off the school bus at my school instead of the high school like they usually do. The story kept changing but from what I can figure out they had a substitute bus driver who came to my school instead of the high school first but they were so busy talking they were afraid they had just missed the stop at the high school and they were afraid if they didn't get off at my school, they might end up somewhere else with no idea how they were going to get home. After calling Clay's mom and telling her I had him, I loaded Mason, Clay and Connor into the car and took Clay to his mom at the high school. We then headed home where I had exactly one hour to do as much homework as possible, get a bag of snacks and water bottles together for soccer practice, and text all the parents on our team to remind them we were having practice early tonight. Mason and I are in the middle of spelling words and Connor and I are drawing dots for number patterns, when Richard and Reagan arrived home with Reagan, as usual, right in the middle of a princess fit.

We proceeded to get the boy's dressed, load the car and head out the door with three minutes to spare before being late to practice. This is probably a good time to mention Reagan's diaper bag was neatly packed on the kitchen cabinet with an emphasis on the words KITCHEN CABINET. After arriving to the soccer field, I spent the next hour watching practice on two field by strategically placing my cute, pink, "I'm a soccer mom", lawn chair in the middle of the two. Reagan sat in her cute, pink, "I'm a soccer sister", Dora lawn chair right beside me eating all the snacks and asking for more. Somewhere in the middle of his practice, Connor slid across the field hurting his stomach and swearing he had twisted his - get this - pinkie! If you haven't seen a dripping sweat, dirt covered six year old in his hard core, "KICK THIS", soccer t-shirt holding his pinkie in the air screaming, you haven't been living. I'm just saying. After diverting the tragedy by promising he could play Angry Birds on my phone after practice if he would just go finish, I was feeling especially smug. You know what I mean right - I am hearing the Rocky theme song in my head and thinking, "I am Super Mom."

About this time, Reagan starts saying, "I dirty mommy - I dirty!" At this moment I realize that the diaper bag is, you guessed it, on the KITCHEN CABINET. I take her to the car, strip her of her diaper, use the one wipe I can find in the car, and put her shorts back on with no diaper. By this point, the running theme song in my head has changed from Rocky to "It's Five o'clock Somewhere." My smug demeanor had changed to silent prayers about this being a great time for her potty training reflexes to kick in. Have I mentioned that we love to talk about potty but hate actually going?

I head back to the fields still praying for a dry spell and watch the rest of Mason's practice. Five minutes before practice is over, I call in pizza and think, "Dinner is done!" We head home with pizza in hand, Richard does bath time while I am studying Mason's lines with him because he is trying out for the role of the Genie in his school play, Aladdin (I personally think he would make the best genie ever!!!) Then we divide and conquer bedtime and reading time only to realize that by the time we are finally sitting down together, it is 9:15.

There you have it! I am a soccer mom who forgets the diaper bag, knows the lines of Aladdin by heart, can spell sauntered and amble in my sleep, know that at this moment in Mason's library book Hank is feeling jealous of the bird-dog, Plato, and realize that one of the cutest things ever is a soccer player with his pinkie in the air.

That's the good stuff!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soccer Has Started!!!

This morning we were up and out the door by 7:30 on our way to the soccer fields. I ran by the bank to get money to pay the referees (the joys of being the board treasurer) while Richard headed to the field to meet the boys and their dad to get them ready to play. We were all present, dressed, and ready to go with Gatorades in hand (I think this is the first time we remembered them for the first game ever), only to find out the other team didn't get the schedule change and they weren't showing up until 9:30. Seriously, the one time in my soccer mom career that everyone was on time, and we didn't have to be. The other team did arrive and Mason's team played their game one hour late on the only empty field at the park - the big field. They did awesome. I seriously teared up a few times watching my baby play on the big field and realizing in only a few more years that will be where he is playing. Somewhere in the past few months, he has seriously grown up and I am not sure I like it.

Because that game started late, Richard was still coaching Mason's team when it was time for Connor's team to warm up for their 10:30 game so super mom (also known as me) went to tackle the job of warming up 6, count them 6, six year-old for their first game that wasn't co-ed. And might I add, I did marvelously. They even told Richard I was better than him at soccer because I could kick the ball in flip-flops (only one little boy said that was because a guy would never wear flip flops to the soccer field).

Both boys did an awesome job - Mason had five assist and Connor scored a goal.

The miracle of miracles is that Reagan spent almost five hours at the soccer fields and was an angel. I mean a real angel. She didn't cry or go missing. She sat in her Dora chair and watched the games and played with the boy's other sister, Kim, and never gave me any trouble at all. I would say that it really helps that I have downloaded Dora the Explorer to my iPod on my phone, but that would mean that I have to admit that I use technological devices to help watch my children and I am not one of those parents (no chance of lightning today, right?)

I am almost scared to say this out loud, but I think we might be over the toddler hump.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Summer Stuff

Wow - twice in one night! That's not going to happen very often! Here are some pics and video from our awesome summer - can you tell we are three weeks into school and I am starting to miss the summertime?

Where did the summer go...

I would begin this blog with something lame like, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on here, but...been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, and didn't learn my lesson. So, instead I will say this might be long since I have been saving up so many things to tell! (Much more positive!)

The Meisel gang had a completely awesome summer. Richard and I both worked summer school which meant more money. We remodeled our den and finally got rid of the awful white carpet and the wood paneling. Seriously, what were we thinking buying a house with white carpet when we had two boys and a dog. Add a baby a few years later and those carpets never stood a chance. With the extra money we took the kids on a wonderful trip to the beach which seems to be an accidental family tradition. They love the "big water" so much that we seem to be drawn there anytime we try to think of a fun, relaxing family vacation to take with three children under the age of 10. Our children, being the entertaining, spontaneous beings that they are, kept us thoroughly entertained. I am not sure that I could possibly tell all the funny, fun moments we had; however, I probably could have a few months ago right after they happened (lesson learned...maybe!) I will tell you that Mason is noticing bikinis, Connor is swimming much better, and Reagan thinks the Hurricane Memorial is called "Barbie and the Baby".

After our wonderful, relaxing family vacation, Richard and I were off for our wonderful, totally not relaxing because we were running every minute, trip to Vegas. I would give a long detailed description of everything that we did, but WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGAS! I will say we are definitely going again soon!

To wrap up the wonderful summer, Dave and Pat came to visit for a week from Baltimore. We had a blast doing not much of anything but spending quality time with Grandma and Granddad - my kids are truly blessed to have so many wonder grandparents in their lives. Reagan especially enjoyed putting silly bands all over Granddad's arms. They were really cute until they starting cutting off the circulation.

School is back in full swing, the boys' soccer season has started, and Connor has decided to try cub scouts. To realize how excited I am about another Mom and me camping trip, see previous post from October 2008. Yippee, I can't wait.

I would love to say I will post again soon, but since I am too busy living life to spend a great deal of time blogging about it, I will just say - see you when I see you!