Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summertime...and the living is easy!

Ok - so not really! Maybe this title should say and the living is crazy. Last weekend was the first weekend the boys have actually stayed home in a while, and since school is offically out, we decided to make a day of it. We went to the zoo and had a picnic and then we went to Tiffany's house to grill and swim. We had a blast and really enjoyed our Sunday only to remember that for some crazy reason Richard and I are both working summer school which means we actually still have to wake up and go to work. What was that reason again? Oh yeah, cha-ching!

Mason is going to VBS this week at Denman Avenue. He is loving it, and I love hearing him quote scriptures to me. Connor was going to go to VBS with him, but then he decided not to go. I love the reason he gave for not going. He said, and I quote, "They might not know me there." Not, I might not know them, but they might not know him. Oh my, the things he says.

Mason is also on a newly formed select soccer team. This means that instead of playing in Lufkin every Saturday in the fall, we will be traveling to play teams from other towns. What other towns you might ask? Nacogdoches - about 25 minutes away? Nope! Oh - Tyler? About an hour away? Nope! There are good chances that the majority of his games will be 2 plus hours away! Heads up family and friends in the Houston and College Station areas - action and adventure in the form of LFC Hawk soccer will most likely be coming to a town near you! Keep your ears open for dates and times to come!! Who you might ask, was brave enough to form this new team of which I speak? Why, Richard and I of course!! We were lucky enough to find some other great coaches to help and we are hoping to have a great season, but he and the other coaches have to get a license to coach the team. Yep, that's right, the state of Texas says his four years of college and 16 hours of training each year makes him perfectly capable of coaching high school, UIL teams perfectly well, but he's not quiet certified enough to "offically" coach 10 and 11 year olds.

In other Meisel family news, Richard also has the joy this summer of getting his CDL driver's license so he can drive the school bus when his team travels to play other teams. (This would be his "big" boy team - otherwise known as his paying gig.) So that means sometimes this summer, he will take his test, get his permit, put in twenty hours of behind the wheel, take a twenty hour class to be certified to drive a bus, and become a certified bus driver for Lufkin ISD. Considering everything else we have to do this summer, this could actually possibly not only make him certified, but also certifiable.

Did I mention that we are also definitely, possibly, probably most likely, actually going to close on our house sometime in the very near future. This transaction has been in the works since February - and now it seems to be coming to fruition. That is wonderful news other than the fact that I still have no idea where we are moving to and the closing dates falls precariously close the time we will be traveling to Baltimore for a few weeks for the much needed vacation from our vacation. That's right! There is a good chance that we will leave for two to three weeks away from home without a home to be away from. (There's a toungue twister for you.)

So to sum it all up, Richard and I are both working summer school, I have several weddings to photograph, he is in the process of getting his CDLs and his coaching certification to coach youth, we should be moving shortly but we don't really know where to, and we will be driving to Baltimore to two weeks. Mason is practicing with and playing on a traveling select team coached by my wonderful husband and managed by me. Connor is being Connor which in and of itself is a wonderful but sometimes trying experience. All in all it is mounting up to one crazy summer.

And...did I mention Reagan has started dance class? OH MY!! I need a nap after just writing about it!