Monday, October 18, 2010

Mom and Me Camping

This past weekend Connor and I went camping with his cub scout pack and we had a blast. We made a rocket and launched it, shot a huge slingshot, bb guns, and bow and arrows. We made each other bracelets (okay I did more of the making, but they are really cool), and slept in a tent, in the woods all night long. I really enjoyed spending some quality time with him and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. I can't wait until we do something like this again, and I signed up to work at Dad and Lad when he and Richard go in March.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is a real adult?

So Mason and Connor and I are riding in the car yesterday and this is what transpired:

Mason: Mom look at the huge bug on my window. It's HUGE!!
Me: (Looking at the bug on the outside of his window through the rear view mirror) WOW! That is huge!
Connor: Cool, huh?
Me: Very cool.
(At this point I begin to roll the window down and Mason starts screaming!)
Mason: What are you doing? It's going to get in!
Connor: Wow!
(At this point I am laughing so hysterically that I couldn't say anything if I tried. Finally, the window is all the way down and the bug flies away.)
Mason: Richard would never do something like that.
Connor: That's cause Richard is a REAL adult.

So my question is what exactly is a real adult, and it is wrong that I took this as a complement?