Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010

I know what you are thinking! Here it is in all it's glory, the really long, semi-boring post about how wonderful this holiday has been for our family and how much we wish a very, merry Christmas to you and yours. Right? That was what you were thinking wasn't it? Well, you're wrong. I have decided to do this one in condensed form. Here goes!!

  1. Thanksgiving in The Woodlands
  2. Black Friday
  3. Decorating like crazy (Mason's first time on the roof!)
  4. Caroling tiger cub style
  5. Wreath making 101
  6. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 - count them 5, fun-filled Christmas parties
  7. Natchitoches trip with family and friends
  8. Gingerbread houses
  9. Christmas portraits
  10. Christmas with the cousins
  11. Fun at Nanny's with paintballs
  12. Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping
  13. Marco, Henry, and Daisy - the newest elfin members of the Meisel clan
  14. Tracking Santa on Google Earth - seriously? technology tracking magic - wow!
  15. And, drum roll please, the most memorable moment of the holidays for me was listening to Mason say the prayer at lunch with Aunt Rachel and Uncle Jay and realizing they really are beginning to understand the true meaning for the season!!

And of course this list will be followed by adorable pictures of our beautiful children - would you expect any less of me? Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things the Kids Said...

I am always telling people the funny things my children say only to be told, "You better write that down, you will want to remember that one day." I, of course, never do. So, I decided to share a few of the things the kiddos have said lately that I don't want to forget.

Mason received a cell phone for his 10th birthday, and 24 hours after opening the present, he is texting with a little girl in his class. He is sitting at the table working on homework and checking his phone every now and then to see if he's gotten a new text from her. Connor starts picking on him saying, "Mason's in love, Mason's in love!" Mason looks at him, rolls his eyes, and says, "It's not love, it's just texting!"

Connor has had the same little "girlfriend" for three or four years now. They went to daycare together and were in the same kindergarten class. It is actually really cute to hear him talk about her; however, the romance is over. He came home from school the other day and said he had broken up with her. When I asked why, he said, "I decided I was just too young to be tied down to one woman right now." This from the mind of a six year old.

Reagan is potty training. The first few times she used the potty at the house, the whole family piled into the restroom and cheered. We go on and on about how big she is and how proud we are of her. The other day Richard was in the restroom. Reagan knocked on the door until Richard finally said, "What do you need Reagan?" She, of course, said, "Whatcha doin Daddy?" When he said he was using the restroom, she came running into the kitchen screaming at the top of her lungs. I asked, "Reagan, what is it," to which she replied, "Daddy is a big girl! Daddy is a big girl!" She then tried to get us all to go to the restroom and clap for him.

Now you see why there is never a dull moment around our house, and why we wouldn't want it any other way!