Monday, July 12, 2010

My Bottom...

Oh my goodness - if you are reading this and you need to use the restroom, I suggest taking a second to go to the restroom first because this is so funny it might make you have an accident.

Now that I have the "Readers be Ware" warning out of the way, let me tell you what happened today. I should probably start by telling you that Reagan is teething, which makes her bodily functions acidy, which makes her diaper rash flair up. So, when she uses her diaper, it immediately burns her little tush.

So, today was rainy and we were tired of being cooped up in the house, so we decided to take the kids to the mall for Chick-fil-A and to let them play on the indoor playground. Everything was going great until Reagan used her diaper and it started burning her hiney. At this point, we realize we left the diaper bag in the car, so Richard decides to take Reagan to the car, grab the bag, and stop by the family restroom at the door and change her diaper. Great plan, but one problem. When Reagan has these flair ups of diaper rash, she screams every time you touch her behind anywhere or anyway. And, since she really didn't want to leave the play yard to go to the restroom with Richard, he had to pick her up to carry her with him. By the time they reach the door to the mall and the parking lot, where his arm is holding her under her behind is hurting, so she starts screaming, "You are hurting my bottom." That probably wouldn't be so bad, if her two-year old word for "bottom" didn't sound exactly like "body". Yep - that's right, picture it. My adorable husband, leaving the mall holding our precious little blonde baby trying to leave the mall with her screaming, "My body! You hurting my body! Leave my body alone! My body, oh my body!"

Richard says he has never felt like such a villian in his life, and I say the expression on his face was PRICELESS!!