Monday, May 25, 2015

Changing Our Lifestyles...One Day at a Time

Richard and I have had two friends lately die very unexpectedly from heart attacks. My first reaction was to be devastated for their family and ask why. But my second reaction was the one that rang the wake up call. These men were fairly young, one only fifty and the other only sixty. Richard and I are shockingly close to those ages and we do not eat right and very rarely exercise, so in a few years, it could very well be our children wondering what happened. On that note, we have decided to listen to the wake up call and do something about it. I know usually this blog, when I write which hasn't been much lately, is a place to read funny stories about our crazy family, but now, I am going to use it to share our journey to healthy. Don't worry...I am sure there will be funny mixed in...we are still us after all!

So the first step we took on our journey was to order the 21 Day Fix plan from Beach Body. Going to be honest...we love the workouts but don't quiet get the meal plan. Two adults with three kids in the house can not do that much just doesn't work. So last week, which was our third week of the program, we joined a 5 day challenge on Facebook with easier clean eating recipes and adding a workout to our day. We did great with the meal plans and so-so with the extra workout - but we did do our daily one we had already been doing. So, after our first round of the 21 Day Fix, (drum roll please).....I am down ten pounds from 190 (yikes) and Richard is down eleven. We still have a long way to go, but I think we are finally in a place where the extra work is worth it because we have decided our lives are worth it. 

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